Just like you have personal credit, your business has business credit. Business Credit is all credit available to a business. This can come in many forms including credit that does not require a Personal Guarantee and some that does.
You will always need your EIN to apply and use business credit and in many cases you’ll need your SSN to verify your identity.
How long does it take to build business credit? Establishing business credit is a process. But it doesn’t have to take forever. You’ll often see that it takes three years for a business to build credit. While it can be helpful to be in business for that long, you can build a good business credit profile and score long before that.
To start establishing business credit you will need to determine what type of trade credit you will need.
What can business credit be used for? For businesses, credit can and is used for any purpose which requires the use of funds. Understanding when the business should use business credit with or without a PG to run and grow your business can be truly powerful.
Vendors and trade credit can often be used to keep business debt from showing up on the business owner’s personal credit.
However, it might make sense to save a personal guarantee when you apply and use business credit with a PG to grow and expand your business.
Business credit should be used strategically to help manage cash flow and to help the business become more Fundable.
There is a science to using your personal credit in the right way at the right time. It helps to ensure that business debt doesn’t show on the personal credit reports and works to protect your personal credit.
The Day to Day Running of a Business
With a wide variety of business credit issuers, you can use business credit to fuel the daily running of your business. You can often get vendor and trade credit without a personal guarantee. This can also make it possible for you to keep business expenses from reporting to your personal credit. Instead, it will keep the reporting of those business expenses on your business credit accounts. This helps to make sure business debts don’t show on your personal credit.
Growing a Business
It often makes sense to personally guarantee or leverage a personal credit check to access more advanced business credit accounts. This can often help you get higher limits on business credit cards or other accounts.
Our Credit Line Hybrid program is a sequence of business credit cards that leverage both business credit and personal credit to get up to $150,000 that can be used to hire new employees, grow your marketing, or otherwise expand your business.
Strategically using business credit and personal credit together can open you up to more financing options beyond net 30 vendors.
Credit issuers and lenders will ask for a personal guarantee when a business’s other Fundability Factors are not strong enough to support the credit decision without leveraging your personal credit.
You can still access hundreds of business credit accounts without a personal guarantee in the MSC Legacy Business Credit Builder. Not using your personal guarantee to get business credit means that you can use it later when it matters most… Growing your business.
The Credit Line Hybrid product leverages your personal credit or a credit partner’s personal credit for credit card approvals up to $150,000 and 0% for 6-18 months. This is a great way to get cash in hand and still run your day to day operations without harming your personal credit or finances.